7 ways to help
We’re excited to have you
join the team in reaching Japan
with the gospel of Jesus!
There are many ways
that you can assist this mission.
The first of which is praying. We send out regular prayer updates through e-mail, which you can sign up for here.

Spread the word
Please share our ministry with your church pastor or missions director. Also you can like, share, and follow our ministries on our other social media platforms to get the word out to your friends.
You can assist us by simply sending an encouraging word! We love getting cards, or even replies to our prayer letters. Working overseas can often be lonely, but we are always happy to hear from you.
You can also serve with us in Japan directly by bringing a team to help with a VBS program or other programs that we run throughout the year. If you have a desire to serve in this capacity please contact us!
Send Supplies
You can also assist by sending supplies. Most often Sunday school supplies and VBS crafts are needed, but there’s all kinds of stuff we can use to serve the Japanese people. If you’d like to put together a ministry package either personally or from your church, please contact us and, if applicable, your church’s missions director.
Get connected with Japanese people in your town.
Another way you can help is by connecting with your local Japanese community in your home country, and get to know Japanese who have recently become Christians. Every year many Japanese come to Christ in churches outside of Japan. When they return to Japan they sometimes find it difficult to connect with a Japanese church that understands their cultural journey. We want to help these returnees assimilate into Japanese churches in a way that allows them to continue to lead vibrant spiritual lives and to reach their Japanese friends and family. Whether that’s our church if they are from the area we serve in, or another church if elsewhere, we want to help these returnees grow in Christ, and reach out with the gospel.
You can join us through regular financial support as well. We are in Japan by God’s grace, through the gifts of people that are giving sacrificially to keep our ministry financially stable. Most give monthly, some quarterly or annually, but every gift is a blessing and keeps our ministry going. JEMS is one of the lowest cost missions we’ve found, which keeps our operating costs at a minimum. Please contact us with any questions, or just click HERE to jump to JEMS Donation page.